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Obesity Surgery

Procedure Time

1-2 hours

Overnight stay

3-5 nights



Recovery Time

3-5 weeks

Obesity Surgery

What is Obesity Surgery?

Obesity surgery is an effective and solvent method for the treatment of obesity, which is a common health problem in people in almost every country today. Obesity is the condition in which people gain excessive weight, continue to gain weight rapidly, and as a result, they have weights much above their healthy and normal weights. Obesity, which is a very dangerous problem in developed countries in terms of its consequences, can also cause people to suffer from dozens of different and chronic diseases depending on weight gain. The gradual increase in the number of obese people has resulted in the fact that this issue is now seen as a serious problem that needs to be treated worldwide. Both medical and surgical treatment methods are used for the treatment of obesity, which is one of the biggest causes of unhealthy nutrition.

What is Obesity?

Obesity is the condition that an individual eats meals and foods that contain more calories than the energy expended during the day, as a result of which these excess energies, that is, foods, are stored by turning into fat. This situation causes an excessive and extremely unhealthy weight condition in people, and together with it, basic body balance and organ functions begin to be adversely affected by this situation extremely quickly. Obesity, which is a problem that can now be treated with obesity surgery and other forms of treatment, is also defined as a disorder that can occur depending on the genetic structure of people and many different conditions. When people start to consume foods with very high fat and caloric value, both constantly and in very excessive amounts, these calories unfortunately return to people as adipose tissue and excess weight. Since obese individuals continue to eat uncontrollably, this weight gain becomes a disease after a while. Obesity surgery is one of the fastest and most radical solutions for this problem in the form of treatment.

How is Obesity diagnosed? Or Who is candidate for Bariatric Surgery?

The obesity surgery method is suitable for people who have applied all other treatment methods before the surgical procedure but have not been successful. The patient should be evaluated with all relevant units before undergoing surgery and should be suitable for surgery in terms of anesthesia. Patient selection is made according to body mass index. If the body mass index is over 40, the patient can be operated. If it is between 35 and 40, if there is an additional disease (such as hypertension, Type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea syndrome, high triglyceride levels, heart disease, hypoventilation syndrome, fatty liver), if the body mass index is between 30 and 35, blood sugar cannot be controlled by medical treatments, surgery may be adivised to Type 2 Diabetes Patient.

Types of Surgery for Obesity Treatment

· Gastric Balloon

· Sleeve Gastrectomy

· Gastric Bypass

· Gastric Sleeve

Before the Obesity Surgery

First of all, the person is examined in detail by surgeons. After the doctor decides whether he is suitable for surgery, he informs the patient about obesity surgery. After the acceptance of the patient, it is evaluated by cardiologist, chest diseases, psychologist and anesthesiologist, endocrinology and metabolic diseases specialist. In addition, preoperative gastric endoscopy, abdominal ultrasonography and many laboratory tests are performed on the patient.

How is the Obesity Surgery performed?

Surgeries are performed by an experienced surgical team with general anesthesia and laparoscopic method. After the operation, the patient may be taken to the intensive care unit overnight for observation purposes, depending on the patient's condition and the recommendation of the anesthesiologist. Patients who are out of this situation are sent to their rooms when they fully awaken from anesthesia.

After the Obesity Sugery

After a successful surgery, patients should be careful in order to get rid of obesity and to have a healthy and quality life. After the necessary controls are made in the hospital and the patient is discharged, the treatment process continues.The diet programme that is recomended by the dietitian and the surgeon performing the surgery should be carefully followed by the patient. The patient should not exercise during the processes specified by the doctor and should not disrupt his regular controls.

What should be considered after the Obesity Surgery?

Nutrition after bariatric surgery is an issue that needs attention. General weight loss continues for up to 1 year. The patient should establish a new eating habit and lifestyle after the surgery. The patient should not continue his old habits, should eat more protein, should not forget the exercises for permanent weight loss as well as regular and healthy nutrition, and should not lose contact with the dietician and doctor.

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