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Plastic Surgery / Rhinoplasty

What is Rhinoplasty?

Procedure Time

Overnight Stay


Recovery Time

2-3 hours

1 night


6-12 months

What is Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Rhinoplasty in Turkey

Our face is the most striking part of our body. Since the nose is located in the center of our face, its shape and posture directly affect facial expression, and it is essential in terms of aesthetics. More reliable applications have emerged day by day with the development of technology and the advancement of medicine. For this reason, the structure and deformities in the nose have begun to be removed with many safe and different methods.

Nasal aesthetics are sometimes performed for a health need and sometimes due to aesthetic concerns. As it is known, the most important task of the nose is to breathe. Rhinoplasty, which is based on the protection and improvement of this function, is an operation that is performed in harmony with the whole face.

What are the risks of Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Rhinoplasty, as in all surgeries, carries various risks. As is known, there is always a risk of infection, bleeding, or adverse reaction to anesthesia in major surgeries. Rhinoplasty also has different risks. We can list them as follows:


· Difficulty in breathing


· Permanent numbness around the nose


· Pain, discoloration or permanent swelling in the nose


· Scar

are some of the risk in Rhinoplasty surgery. When the surgery is decided, in the planning phase, a discussion takes place about whether the operation will be effective or not.

Who can have Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty surgery is applied to patients with aesthetic concerns and functional disorders. Rhinoplasty is one of the most common procedures among aesthetic surgery operations. This operation is generally not recommended for individuals who have not yet completed their development. For this reason, it is preferred that the patient is at least 18 years old for aesthetic surgeries.

Rhinoplasty operations are also performed according to the needs of the person, depending on three main reasons. These are in the form of appearance, breathing problems, and injury.

Recovery Time After Rhinoplasty Surgery

The healing process of Rhinoplasty surgery varies according to the aesthetic type and the surgical method to be applied. For this reason, it is not possible to say a standard period. However, the recovery times of Rhinoplasty surgeries do not cover a very long process.

Recovery times in operations performed with open technique generally vary between 7 and 10 days. In the first two days following the operation, intense edema, swelling, and bruises may be observed. Most of these complaints subside in the first week.

However, at least 3 months may be needed to get rid of swelling and edema completely. Complete recovery takes a period of 1 year. However, the recovery period takes between 7 and 10 days in the operations performed with the closed technique, the mild swelling, and bruises that may occur after the surgery pass in a short time.

What are the surgical methods in Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Today, with the development of medicine and technology, practical and different surgical techniques have been used in nasal aesthetics. We can examine the surgical procedures in Rhinoplasty under two separate headings: Open structure Rhinoplasty and closed structure Rhinoplasty.


Open Structure Rhinoplasty: This technique is performed by making a small incision between the two nostrils. With this technique, where the nasal septum and the problematic area can be seen clearly, the desired shape can be easily performed.


Closed Technique: It is a Rhinoplasty procedure performed by cutting the inner part of the nose. In the closed technique, all work is carried out inside the nose. Thus, there are no stitch marks or cuts on the outer part of the nose or the skin.

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