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Mommy Makeover

Mommy Makeover

Procedure Time

3-5 hours

Overnight stay

8 nights



Recovery Time

6-9 Months

What is Mommy Makeover Surgery?

Being a mother, is a turning point in many women's life and brings new responsibilities, beautiful emotions, and many other innovations to life. However, on the other hand, there are some deformations in the body caused by the pregnancy process and the motherhood process. Although excess weight is lost after birth, it may not be possible for the body to spontaneously return to its previous state. The sagging of the breasts due to birth, the formation of vaginal deformations, changes in the legs and especially in the abdomen bring many complaints.

All deformations that occur in the body during the maternity adventure can be restored with plastic surgery interventions. An efficient method, "Mommy Makeover," makes it possible to resolve women's physical dissatisfaction in just one session.

What is a Mommy Makeover?

Mommy Makeover, aims to achieve the physical appearance of pre-pregnancy. With this method, in which surgical procedures are performed, the desired physical appearance can be obtained in a very short time.

All complaints such as sagging breasts due to breastfeeding, fat formation in the hips and abdomen due to pregnancy, cracks and swelling in many parts of the body are evaluated within the maternity aesthetic package. This surgery, which is performed based on various complaints, includes procedures such as breast lift, tummy tuck, and removal of excess fat. In addition, it is performed in line with the personal needs and expectations of the patient to be operated. For this reason, the processes of mommy makeover vary from person to person.

Who can benefit from Mommy Makeover?

As is known, there is no upper age limit for aesthetic surgeries. The lower limit for aesthetic surgery is between the ages of 16-18. In aesthetic surgery, people's health conditions are checked rather than age. For example, if the person has problems such as diabetes, heart disease, they should not perform such surgeries. However, if people of all ages provide the appropriate conditions and no threats to their general health, they can benefit from plastic surgery.

If the person has passed six months after the birth and the baby has been weaned, she is a suitable candidate for a mommy makeover. This aesthetic intervention is not performed shortly after birth due to the body renewing itself six months after birth. In these six months, it is necessary to allow the body to heal. This aesthetic intervention is not performed shortly after birth due to the body renewing itself in the six months after birth. In these six months, it is essential to allow the body to heal.

How does the Mommy Makeover surgery process work?

Mommy Makeover Surgery process covers several months. Primarily, the preparations for the surgery start a little bit before two weeks. The person who will undergo mommy makeover surgery should not smoke if she smokes two weeks before the surgery and must take care of a healthy diet. The reason for this is that smoking adversely affects the healing process after maternity aesthetic surgery.

As the mommy makeover surgery, varies according to the need, the recovery time will also differ according to the body type of the person who has the surgery. The recovery time of each surgical procedure to be performed will be different from person to person. However, in general, recovery takes approximately three months after surgery. In the first 4 to 6 weeks, patients should not lift weight and avoid activities that will physically wear out. There is no harm in performing the works with a desk. During the recovery period, a diet program should also be implemented, and care should be taken to live a healthy life. In addition, heavy exercises should be avoided, but the quality of life should be tried to be increased by doing moderate exercises for 7-10 hours a week.

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