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Hair Transplant Costs in The USA and Turkey in 2021

Hair Transplant Costs in USA and Turkey

Hair is the most defining feature of our body. The first thing you see is your hair when you look at yourself in the mirror. In the same way, the first thing others realize about you is the way your hair looks. For this reason, both women and men spend a lot of money and time on hair care to save their hair’s health.

Plenty of products on the market promise to increase volume, increase hair growth, prevent hair loss. They may be a little impact on healthy hair, but once your hair reaches a state of permanent loss, there is not that much to do besides hair transplantation if you want to revive your hair.

But how much does a hair transplant cost? Although the question is quite simple, finding a clear answer is hard to find online. Different factors are determining the price, such as the amount of hair loss, the location of the place you want to get your treatment, the quality of the institution, etc.

When it comes to hair, you may want to be in safe hands since the hair is the most defining feature of your looks, -and the process is long, so you wouldn’t prefer to waste your time on something that only does little.

How Much Hair Transplant Costs in The USA

The cost of a hair transplant in the USA ranges from $10.000 to $15.000 depending on the condition of your hair, where you live, the skills of the surgeon, the method (FUT or FUE) you choose. Plus, the costs usually require pre-payment and since hair transplant is considered a cosmetic procedure, so your operation isn’t funded by insurance companies.

So it is not wrong to say that hair transplants in the USA don’t come at a small cost. In fact, they are quite expensive.

How Much Hair Transplant Costs in Turkey

If you need a hair transplant and get it done by professional doctors, but you are looking for affordable prices, Turkey is the best alternative for you.

For years, Turkey is one of the leading countries in Europe in the health sector. It embodies modern hospitals equipped with the latest technology and with successful specialists in the cosmetic sector. Clinics in Turkey use the most modern and innovative tools in hair transplants. Turkey welcomes patients all over the world all year round.

The hair transplant cost varies from $1.500 to $4.000 in Turkey depending on the level of hair loss, the hospital, and the method chosen for the hair transplant operation. So if you want to get safety and quality at a low price, you are in good hands in Turkey.

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