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What is Breast Augmentation? Why do you need it?

What is Breast Augmentation? Prices, costs and more..

Breast augmentation is a surgery that enlarges and shapes your breasts. Breast implants or fat transfer can be used to enhance your breasts.

Why do people get Breast Augmentations?

Breast Augmentation in Turkey

You may want or want to have breast augmentation surgery for a variety of reasons, including:

  • If you think your breasts are too tiny, you can change their look.

  • If one of your breasts is smaller than the other, you can change their symmetry.

  • After a pregnancy or severe weight loss, to account for a drop in breast size.

  • After breast surgery for various reasons, to fix any unevenness or problems with your breasts.

  • To boost your self-esteem and confidence.

What happens at a consultation for Breast Augmentation?

You'll consult with your surgeon before undergoing breast augmentation. Consider what you want to change about your breasts as you prepare for this consultation. Remember that you're aiming for improvement rather than perfection. Also, be sure you're in good mental and physical condition, and that your expectations are reasonable.

Your surgeon will inquire about your medical history in detail, including:

  • What drugs are you on?

  • What allergies you might be suffering from.

  • Your smoking history is important.

  • Surgical procedures performed previously

  • Any previous breast problems you've had, such as lumps, previous mammograms, or a family history of breast problems.

During your breast augmentation appointment, you might want to ask your surgeon the following questions:

  • Are you a board-certified plastic surgeon with the American Board of Plastic Surgery?

  • How long have you worked as a plastic surgeon?

  • Do you conduct breast augmentations on a regular basis?

  • Is it possible to see some before-and-after photos from the augmentation surgeries you've done?

  • I'm debating whether to get breast implants or a fat transfer.

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of various types of breast implants?

  • Will I be able to breastfeed after having my breasts augmented?

  • What are the dangers of my particular augmentation procedure?

  • What happens if I'm unhappy with the outcome of my augmentation?

How should i prepare for Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Your surgeon may ask you to do the following in order to prepare for your breast augmentation surgery:

  1. Make an appointment for a blood test.

  2. Take some medications or make changes to your present ones.

  3. Quit smoking.

  4. Certain foods and beverages should be avoided.

  5. Aspirin and certain anti-inflammatory medicines should be avoided since they can cause excessive bleeding.

  6. Stop experimenting with recreational substances.

  7. It's critical that you follow any directions given by your surgeon before to surgery. Following their advice will make the procedure go more easily and aid in appropriate healing.

After your surgery, make arrangements for someone to drive you home and to stay with you for at least the first night. You'll need to take off at least three days from work, so plan ahead. If you work in a physically demanding job, you will most likely need to take at least three weeks off.

What happens during Breast Augmentation Surgery?

There are many advances associated with breast augmentation medical procedure. Here is a clarification of the means.


Your specialist will do the medical procedure while you are under broad sedation (you'll fall asleep) or through IV sedation. You and your specialist will decide this together.

The incision

Breast Augmentation can be acted in one of multiple ways. Your specialist can go through the technique:

  • By means of the wrinkle under your breast(known as the inframammary crease).

  • Along the edge of your areola (known as the periareolar entry point).

  • Through your armpit (known as a transaxillary approach).

  • Your specialist will examine these potential techniques with you before your medical procedure, and together you will figure out which approach best suits your requirements.

Implant insertion

There are two unique ways for your specialist to insert the implant: under your breast tissue and before your muscle or behind your breast muscle (pectoral muscle). The situation of the inserts relies upon a couple of variables, including the sort of implant you pick and the amount you're expanding the size of your breasts. You can examine the advantages of every technique with your specialist and settle on that choice together.

Closing the incision

After your specialist puts your implants, they will fasten the entry point locales together to close them. Your specialist may likewise utilize waste cylinders. You should follow your specialist's subsequent consideration guidelines for the incision site. Your breasts will be covered with a cloth gauze and you might be sent home wearing a careful bra.

Breast Augmentation in Turkey
Breast Augmentation

What is the difference between Breast Augmentation and Breast Implants?

Breast Implants are a type of Breast Augmentation, which is a procedure that enlarges and shapes the breasts. Fat transfer Breast Augmentation is the other method of breast augmentation.

A quote from Medicany to patients

Breast Augmentations are a frequent cosmetic procedure with a high rate of patient satisfaction. However, all of the dangers and potential negative effects of breast augmentation surgery must be considered. Make an appointment with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss your desires, goals, and concerns with Medicany help. You and your doctor will select which sort of augmentation and procedure is ideal for you.

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